Our Aussies

Anorien's Arwein of Accolade asca /amCD
Black Tri Bitch
OFA Good
(CH Topper's Mickey The Shenanigan CD x Up Star-T of Homespun)

"Winnie" was our first Aussie. She taught me to appreciate the true Aussie spirit, and that an Aussie owner must be smarter than their Aussie. Her energy, drive, and enthusiasm make her a great obedience dog! Although she was "handler challenged", she performed with accuracy, attitude, and excellence... her signature style.

Thank you breeder Terri Altergott (Accolade) for this once in a lifetime girl.


I was standing on a hillside, in a field of blowing wheat,
And the spirit of an Aussie was lying at my feet.
She looked at me with kind dark eyes, an ancient wisdom shining through,
And in the essence of her being, I saw love there too.
Her mind did lock upon my heart as I stood there on the day,
And she told me of this story about a place so far away.
I stood upon the hillside in a field of blowing wheat,
And in a twinkling of a second her spirit left my feet.
Her tale did put my heart at ease, my fears did fade away.
About what lay ahead of me on another distant day.
"I live among God's creatures now in the heavens of your mind,
So do not grieve for me, my friend, as I am with my kind.
My collar is a rainbow's hue, my leash a shooting star.
My boundaries are the Milky Way where I sparkle from afar.
There are no pens or kennels here, for I am not confined.
But free to roam God's heavens among my Aussie kind.
I nap the day on a snowy cloud, gentle breezes rocking me.
And dream the dreams of earthlings and how it used to be.
The trees are full of liver treats and tennis balls abound,
And Milkbones line the walkways just waiting to be found.
There even is a ring set up, the grass all lush and green.
And everyone who gaits around becomes the Best of Breed.
For we're all winners in this place, we have no faults, you see.
And God passes out those ribbons to each one, even me.
I drink from waters laced with gold, my world a beauty to behold.
And wise old dogs so form my pride to amble at my very side.
At night I sleep in an angel's arms, her wings protecting me.
And moonbeams dance about us, as stardust falls on thee.
So when your life on earth is spent and you stand at Heaven's gate,
Have no fear of loneliness, for here, your know I wait.

- author unknown -

Bred by Terri Altergott (Accolade)
Owned by Joyce Charron (Anorien)
E-mail: Joyce Charron
    Anorien Aussies, c. 2000-2002